Why should you consider using a Noseless Saddle ?

Cycling News
5 min readMar 18, 2024


A noseless saddle is a specialized bicycle seat designed without the traditional elongated front portion (the “nose”) found on conventional saddles. It is most of the time the ultimate solution to several persistent saddle issues for both male & female cyclists.

Who should consider shifting to a noseless models ?
Noseless Saddles: Solution to Cyclist Pathologies
Common female cyclist’s pathologies
Common male cyclist’s pathologies
A Radical Departure
The Science Behind the Comfort
The Quest for Perineal Bliss
Join the Saddle Revolution

Why use a Noseless Saddle
Why should you consider using a Noseless Saddle ?

Who should consider shifting to a noseless models ?

If you are able to go beyond their strange look, noseless saddles offer really interesting benefits I will detailed below in this article. But I need to acknowledge that the majority of cyclists will regard these models as weird/alien looking.

If you go beyond the fear of being ridiculous or being mocked by your fellow riders, you can enjoy the pleasure to reduce or avoid a large number of pathologies cyclists encounter while riding.

Some “eccentric” or daredevils riders will just adopt these designs just for their beauty, uniqueness, to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Noseless Saddles: Solution to Cyclist Pathologies

According to statistics: one out of three cyclists experience saddle pain/discomfort from various levels. In some extreme cases, they get hindered from cycling due the pain and have to give-up cycling or go for surgeries.

Best Noseless Saddles for XL riders
Best Noseless Saddles for large cyclists

These concern both men and women.

Common female cyclist’s pathologies

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs):

  • Women cyclists are more prone to UTIs due to prolonged pressure on the perineal area during rides.
  • The friction and heat generated can contribute to bacterial growth and increase the risk of infections.

Genital Numbness or pain (vulvodynia, Labia Hypertrophy):

  • Prolonged pressure on the external genitalia can lead to numbness or pain.
  • Reduced blood flow and nerve compression contribute to this discomfort.

Saddle Sores:

  • Saddle sores are painful skin lesions caused by friction, pressure, and moisture.
  • Women may experience these sores in the perineal region due to prolonged contact with the saddle.

Vaginal Yeast Infections:

  • Moisture and heat in the chamois (padded area of cycling shorts) create an ideal environment for bacterial and fungal growth.
  • Women cyclists are susceptible to vaginal yeast infections due to prolonged saddle contact.

Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia):

  • A saddle that is too soft or improperly positioned can lead to tailbone pain.
  • Women may experience discomfort in the coccyx area or sit bones.

Pubic Bone Pain:

  • Incorrect saddle positioning can cause pressure on the pubic bone.
  • Women may feel pain or discomfort in this area during or after cycling.

Common male cyclist’s pathologies

  1. Genital Numbness and Erectile Dysfunction:
  • Perineal pressure associated with cycling can lead to genital numbness.
  • Some studies suggest a possible link between cycling-induced numbness and erectile dysfunction.
  • The pressure on nerves and reduced blood flow caused by traditional bicycle seats may contribute to these issues.

>>> Maintain your Male Fertility

Alcock’s Syndrome (PN pudendal nerve) for women too:

  • Named after the anatomist Benjamin Alcock, this syndrome involves compression of the pudendal nerve in the perineal area.
  • Symptoms include pain, numbness, and discomfort in the genital region.
  • Prolonged cycling can exacerbate Alcock’s syndrome.

Saddle Sores and Chafing Tailbone Pain (Coccydynia) for women too:

  • The coccyx (tailbone) can become sore or painful from prolonged pressure on a saddle.
  • Men may experience discomfort in this area during or after cycling.
Click on the image to discover the BEST NOSLESS SADDLE on the market

Prostate Health Concerns:

  • While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that intense cycling may impact the prostate gland.
  • Pressure on the perineum could potentially affect prostate health.

Infertility (Controversial):

  • There’s debate about whether cycling affects male fertility.
  • Some studies associate prolonged pressure on the perineum with reduced sperm quality.

>>> Maintain your prostate health

A Radical Departure

Picture this: You approach your bike, ready for a ride. But wait — what’s missing? The elongated front nose of your traditional saddle has vanished! Enter the noseless saddle, a design that grabs attention with its audacious departure from the norm.

The Science Behind the Comfort

Why should you care? Well, science has your back (or rather, your behind). Researchers have delved into the delicate dance between cyclists and their saddles. The verdict? Traditional saddles can be downright unfriendly to our nether regions. But fear not! The noseless saddle swoops in like a cycling superhero.

  • Morpho-Resistance Magic: Imagine a saddle that doesn’t squish your sensitive bits. The noseless wonder distributes pressure more evenly, preventing those dreaded saddle sores and chafing episodes.
  • Blood Flow Bonanza: Say goodbye to numbness! The open center channel encourages blood circulation down there. No more tingling toes during long rides.

The Quest for Perineal Bliss

Close your eyes (well, not while cycling, please). Envision a ride where discomfort doesn’t tag along like an unwelcome hitchhiker.

  • Perineum Protection: Ladies, rejoice! The large hollow central part caters to our unique anatomy. No more perineal woes.
  • Freedom to Roam: Climb those hills, weave through traffic, and pedal like you’re chasing rainbows. The noseless design lets you shift positions without bumping into — well, a nose.
Road bike best noseless saddle
The best noseless saddle for road cycling

Join the Saddle Revolution

Ready to ditch the old-school saddle?

  1. Upgrade Your Ride: Swap that nose-heavy relic for a sleek, sci-fi-inspired seat.
  2. Pedal On: Feel the wind in your hair (or helmet) as you cruise, sans discomfort.
  3. Noseless saddles are recommended for individuals with perineal pain, genital numbness, or specific medical conditions.
  4. They are also favored by those recovering from injuries or surgeries (prostate for example).



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